Jeannine Marzella is a peace advocate, life facilitator, and international speaker. Her life has been spent exploring the many paths to enlightenment and peace found in Eastern and Western philosophies, sciences, religions, and spiritual practices. Born a shaman, she became a minister for the Eucharist, has studied kabbalah, and was given a rabbinic title.

Her life's purpose is helping people understand why they do what they do. Empowering the client to create peace of mind, peace within themselves, and ultimately generating peace within the world. As a peace advocate, she has served with the Agape Peace Ministries & The Peace Alliance to name a few. They work locally and governmentally to raise awareness and to educate the public and officials on ways of promoting non violence domestically and internationally.
With a degree in comparative religion, Jeannine is also certified in neural linguistic psychology. In line with her doctoral studies in alternative therapies at Albert University, she is both a certified clinical hypnotherapist and a meditation specialist. In addition to writing about holistic health practices Jeannine is a life facilitator. Some of her certifications are Reiki Master, NLP, Kundalini Yoga, Buddhist Energy Healer, & Certified Channel. She has also received extensive training in Sat Nam Rasayan (The Art of Contemplative Awareness), neuropathway restructuring, adrenal fatigue, pain management, & quantum physics to name a few.
By combining concepts, beliefs, and spiritual practices from around the world and throughout time with her own clinical experience and finely tuned ability to channel psychic information, she has created the Rapid Solution Focused Method™ (RSFM). It is a powerful method that effects permanent changes in people’s lives in as few as three to five sessions. Her clients include psychotherapists, life coaches, professional athletes, celebrities and anyone truly seeking to change their lives, to free themselves from self-limiting beliefs.
Like RSFM™, which is a synthesis of many different belief systems dealing with emotional, physical, psychological, and spiritual growth, Jeannine has used her experiences as a author, teacher, actor, and even on-air sports announcer to become a skilled international speaker. Her speaking engagements have taken her before concerned business owners and their employees teaching them simple and highly effective techniques for promoting and maintaing health and happiness, further fostering peace within each person. Publicly along side others, like former Scottsdale, AZ Mayor Mary Manross, to speak on sensitive and highly charged topics such as violence, peace, and women’s welfare. At one point in her career she was the CCO—Chief Communication Officer of Holistic Health Plus. Knowledgeable about a broad range of alternative health practices, she is also adept at interpreting them for a general audience.
Today she uses a lifetime of experience and specialized training to help clients find “everyday bliss” to live life free of suffering. Jeannine’s practice spans the world and has it’s home base in Washington DC area of VA.